The Mallard Fund is Maybeury PTA’s main fundraiser for this year. We are able to avoid student-led fundraisers by using the Mallard Fund as our primary campaign. Thank you for donating today!
All donations help the PTA support and enhance educational experiences and enhance community-building initiatives. Donations directly benefit students and teachers, fund facility enhancements, and support community events and programs. Learn more about the Mallard fund (including corporate sponsorship opportunities) HERE!
Help us raise $15,000 this year!
Your generous donations directly support:
- STREAM Lab updates and supplies
- Facility upgrades and upkeep
- Grade level recess equipment
- Staff spirit wear
- Instruments for our music program
- Behavioral awards and celebrations
- MayBOOry and May Fair
- Yoga in the Garden and Field Day
- Donuts with Grownups
- ESL Night and International Night
- Literacy Night
- Funding for families in need
Thank you for your generosity!
If you prefer to write a check, please make it out to "Maybeury PTA" and put "Mallard Fund" in the memo line. Donations can be sent to school in yellow folders in an envelope clearly marked “Mallard Fund.”
And don't forget many companies match employees giving up to 100%!
We encourage MES parents to reach out to their employers and inquire about their corporate match policy.
Complete your company's Matching Form (make sure your donation name matches the name on your Company match if required by your Company) and we’ll take care of the rest!
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 26
- Thursday, March 6
- Wednesday, March 12
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Saturday, March 29
- Thursday, April 17
- Friday, April 18
- Friday, April 25